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Showing posts from October, 2019

Car’s on the driveway; snow is abating and we can’t wait for the drive to NonStop TBC 2019!

In the time that has passes following last year’s NonStop Technical Boot Camp (TBC), NTI has experienced amazing success in the marketplace in terms of new customers, further upgrades as well as successful PoCs / Pilots of new features. From NTI’s perspective and from the evidence our DR Net ® customers are providing, the NonStop X has developed considerable momentum and we have been pleased with the way we together with our many customers have been riding this wave. Furthermore, the new virtualized NonStop is bound to find additional customers and we are already across many ongoing discussions with our customers and prospects alike; as for DR Net ®/Vision – this too has developed traction in the short time we have had this new product in the marketplace and as for JSON support (recently added to complement our JDBC option) this too has attracted considerable interest even from NonStop users who are currently using products from other vendors! There will be plenty of...

NTI – DRNet®; best bet with analytics platform close by!

Half a decade ago IBM illustrated a post to the IBM blog with this schematic. IBM pulled data from 800 plus enterprises and published a report, “Under cloud cover: How leaders are accelerating competitive differentiation.” While we may raise concerns about the age of this report, it does hit the mark in some areas that the NonStop community seek to address – when to use cloud computing and how best to leverage virtualized NonStop and not forgetting just how important analytics have become.  In the coming years, it is HPE’s expectation that the number of enterprises running traditional NonStop versus those running virtualized NonStop (vNS) will likely be about the same. There is every potential that some vNS will find their way into the cloud, but perhaps most important of all, whether in the cloud or not, analytics platform will be close by and looking to access NonStop created data. Are you ready? Are you preparing for such a NonStop world? One observation by IBM, publ...