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NTI – DRNet®; best bet with analytics platform close by!

Half a decade ago IBM illustrated a post to the IBM blog with this schematic. IBM pulled data from 800 plus enterprises and published a report, “Under cloud cover: How leaders are accelerating competitive differentiation.” While we may raise concerns about the age of this report, it does hit the mark in some areas that the NonStop community seek to address – when to use cloud computing and how best to leverage virtualized NonStop and not forgetting just how important analytics have become. 

In the coming years, it is HPE’s expectation that the number of enterprises running traditional NonStop versus those running virtualized NonStop (vNS) will likely be about the same. There is every potential that some vNS will find their way into the cloud, but perhaps most important of all, whether in the cloud or not, analytics platform will be close by and looking to access NonStop created data. Are you ready? Are you preparing for such a NonStop world?

One observation by IBM, published with this schematic, rings true to this day. “The value of big data and analytics comes from its ‘bigness.’ But a company’s existing infrastructure might not be cut out for that, especially if computing requirements are unpredictable and require scaling on demand.” Yes, infrastructure that might not cut it, computing requirements are unpredictable and yes, scale! Sound familiar? And yes, preparation is paramount on the minds of many CIOs as they truly begin adjusting to a new and changing world where NonStop may be where data is being created but it’s what happens next to the data that is most relevant today.

Visitors to the HPE web site looking for updates on big data and analytics will find similar observations to those of IBM being expressed.

“Data is coming at an exponentially increasing rate, from an explosion of data sources. But the amount of time you have available to do something with that data is shrinking …Make data tangible for business by restructuring, analyzing, and transforming data using rules and models.” Deeper into the HPE web site, you will come across “There is more data available today than ever before, but many organizations do not get the full value. What are the critical components for leveraging big data for better business results?”

What does NTI mean by PROVisioning? Quite simply, it means being better prepared for what next happens with data once it’s created on NonStop. Data has a half-life; use it or lose it is a common refrain coming from data scientists. Whether we move the data for access by analytics or enable the analytics to access data directly, NTI is preparing the NonStop community to embrace such integration any which way you prefer to better leverage the data needed to become better informed about today’s market conditions.

None of what was discussed by IBM and HPE is lost on NTI and was referenced in the latest feature article published in the October, 2019, issue of NonStop Insider NTI – Vision is the key to PROVisioning: Excellence in Data where you will read:

“It is not a surprise for NTI to see a turnaround in NonStop customer expectations of late,” said Tim Dunne, NTI Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales. “When it comes to ingesting data for propagation elsewhere, we have a history of doing exactly this that extends back to the earliest days of NonStop, a period of more than three decades. To say NTI knows Data is to emphasize our role within the NonStop community.

“It is still very early days for NonStop and any cloud participation,” said Dunne, “but all the signs suggest that some cloud adoption by the NonStop community is inevitable. The presence of virtualized NonStop and more recently, its support of VMware, demonstrate real commitment by the NonStop developers to ensure NonStop remains the premier transaction processing platform in support of mission critical applications.”   

If you have an interest in finding out how best to prepare for Hybrid IT, Clouds and the steps needed when analytics solutions are nearby, make sure you find time at this year’s upcoming NonStop Technical Boot Camp (TBC) where you will be able to hear independent analyst, Richard Buckle, provide his insights into preparedness and yes, provisioning in the NTI presentation, From replication to distribution, integration and transformation; NTI is putting data first!

For more information about DRNet®, DRNet®/Vision, and PROVisioning: Excellence in Data please contact us at, visit or simply plan on stopping by for a visit at:
HPE NonStop Technical Bootcamp (Burlingame, CA) November, 3 – 6, 2019

And not forgetting,
BITUG Little SIG (London) December 3, 2019
HPE NonStop HotSpot / IT-Symposium (Berlin) May, 4 – 6, 2020


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