NTI has been in business a very long time and has been providing support for NonStop users with its DR Net product set. Among its many customers there are numerous financial institutions relying on DR Net for data replication. When it comes to supporting payments solutions, these financial institutions cannot afford for their systems to be down for any reason and so historically, these institutions have depended upon DR Net to maximize their systems’ uptime, no matter what. However, DR Net offers so much more than just support for disaster recovery and with as much talk as there is today of maximizing the value locked away in the data these financial institutions accumulate over time, the replication capabilities of DR Net are being looked at again for DR Net applicability to integrate. In the post of April 2, 2018, reference is made to the recent article published in the March – April, 2018, issue of The Connection - Data is King: What NonStop Mission-Critical Applications ...