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Replication and integration – for NTI, that precious resource, data, can help business innovate!

“It was certainly an enjoyable occasion being at GTUG just a week or so ago,” said Tim Dunne, Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales, NTI, in his latest email exchange with NonStop Insider. “There is always some sacrifices to be made in supporting our European customers at events like GTUG but being able to combine time at GTUG with time at BITUG the week before certainly lessened any sacrifice on my part. Looking back on those two weeks, I wouldn’t have missed the opportunity for any reason!”
At this latest GTUG – the European NonStop HotSpot 2018 Conference & Exhibition – “we had Richard Buckle of Pyalla Technologies present on our behalf and his session was well attended,” added Dunne. If you had missed the opportunity to sit in on the presentation, there is now a pdf of Richard’s presentation available from GTUG and can be viewed by going to the GTUG page

More importantly was the theme of the presentation: When it comes to HPE and NonStop, there is no escaping the message coming from HPE today about disruption or, as HPE puts it, “Your outdated business can’t hide from the idea economy.”
What HPE means by this is that businesses everywhere are being challenged to better comprehend what their data on their business, their customers, their partners is telling them. There are many story lines hidden away in the data that businesses continue to capture and being in a position to translate this data into new ideas to better serve their constituents only needs businesses to take a look.

But first, they need to be able to integrate data from multiple sources and of course, NonStop systems are often at the very heart of what is happening to the business, right now!
“Our roots with DRNet®are in replication but it is the manner in which we go about replication that sustains and enhances DRNet®as a leading player in the integration marketplace,” suggested Dunne. “It should be expected of DRNet® to be able to use its Change Data Capture (CDC) techniques to read logs and audit trails to then replicate and integrate. It’s what DRNet®was designed to do. Any JDBC compliant implementation running on supported open platforms can be a target for DRNet®today. Innovation can only come following integration and this is where DRNet® truly shines.
In December of 2017, as it looked at what lay ahead for business in 2018, Forbes magazine published a business update on How Digital Marketing Will Change In 2018: 15 Top Trends. In that update, the third most important trend had to do with the “True Understanding of Customer Journey.” By way of explanation, Forbes then wrote how, “Data-driven marketing is a powerful tool, but how that data translates to the customer journey will be paramount in digital marketing success in 2018. Strive first to use data to know where your consumers will be on every step of their purchasing path, learn what appeals to them, and design your marketing to touch them all along their journey.”

For the NonStop user, using data to know where your consumers are heading doesn’t come as a surprise but what it entails is getting data off NonStop and onto platforms best-suited for the analysis that follow.
NTI has supported its European customers for many years and across the banking industry, DRNet® has proved popular and many years ago it became the product of choice for vendors including ACI with BASE24. When you consider banking and then banks experience with their customer’s journeys, it’s no surprise to read that integrating and then analyzing data from multiple sources is becoming a major requisite for growing their business. And of course, banks are just one market DRNet®serves today.
In January, 2017, Forbes magazine also published an article, 6 Predictions For The $203 Billion Big Data Analytics Marketwhere it noted that according to IDC, “worldwide revenues for big data and business analytics willgrow from $130.1 billion in 2016 to more than $203 billion in 2020, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.7%. In addition to being the industry with the largest investment in big data and business analytics solutions (nearly $17 billion in 2016), banking will see the fastest spending growth.” This shouldn’t be a surprise for any NonStop user as serving the financial services industry has been an important market segment for NonStop systems for decades.
It may be an important message coming from HPE – your outdated business can’t hide from the idea economy – and it may sound a little harsh. But if your business isn’t pursuing an aggressive plan to better integrate data from every source where data is generated, then that businesses ability to create new products and services to better support their customers will be seriously jeopardized. And this isn’t lost on NTI nor is it being overlooked when it comes to how well DRNet®can provide a solution for this purpose.
“Participating in major European customer events like GTUG gives NTI an opportunity to discuss data, as a resource, and how DRNet® can be a solution for data integration,” said Dunne. And if you would like to know even more about how DRNet®can be beneficial to any project involving integrating data generated on NonStop with the rest of the business, then visit our web site for more information about NTI and DRNet®or simply reach out to the sales team at NTI either by emailing us at or calling us at +1.614.794.6000
(Reposted from NonStop Insider digital publication: June, 2018 )


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