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NTI – establishing product priorities with NonStop community

Reflecting on everything that took place for the NonStop community during 2018 is now well and truly over. So much was announced by the HPE NonStop team that the full impact of what is planned for delivery in 2019 is beginning to take shape – it will be exciting to see what new projects will see the light of day within the NonStop user community. It’s all well and good to be excited by the prospects for NonStop deployments, but what will become a priority for the NonStop community in 2019? It’s now a time to get to work leveraging the benefits of the new NonStop!

The first indications about what most likely will take place in 2019 become visible to the NonStop community at large during Regional User Group (RUG) meetings. These events are mainstay of information sharing across the NonStop community, continue to thrive and, for as long as anyone in the NTI offices can recall, NTI has been supporting RUGs and sharing information about DRNet®. However, all through that time information has flowed in both directions, as NTI has used the topics raised and questions asked to fuel further development of DRNet®. All it takes is for one NonStop user to broach some promising idea and NTI will take it under consideration.

This was the theme of the most recent article published in the January 2019 issue of NonStop Insider - NTI – a strategy for DRNet® that is centered on data and you will be hearing even more at RUG events in 2019! If you have as yet not read this article, just click on the hyperlink above. Clearly though, with these RUG meetings, what is generating considerable interest is the prospect of running NonStop virtualized on equipment sourced independently by the enterprise – is it even possible? Will it deliver the same level of availability as is expected of NonStop systems today?

As the year progresses NTI expects to hear a lot more about virtualized NonStop (vNS) and for NTI this is very important as the NonStop community now knows that NTI is making a large investment in vNS. With plans in place to build out an NTI virtualized environment capable of running multiple SaaS offerings from both NTI and other parties (with whom a dialogue has already commenced), NTI knows it is a time to turn words into concrete plans supported by actions.

“We have announced to the NonStop community that we are fully embracing vNS and now our goal for the first half of 2019 is to set priorities,” said Tim Dunne, Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales, NTI. “And this can only be done following consultation with our user community, other NonStop partners and the NonStop team. There is a lot we can achieve with the approach we are taking following the investment we are making in vNS but it is important for NTI to kick off our program with baby steps that align with the business needs of the NonStop user community.”

The NonStop Technical Boot Camp that will take place November 5 – 8, 2019, in Burlingame, CA, is a meeting that is acknowledged among the NonStop community as a super-RUG event as it continues to attract a lot of support from the NonStop product management and development teams. In an informal survey asking the NonStop community where they turn to for information on NonStop, topping the list was RUG events followed closely by TBC and then thirdly newsletters and magazines – that’s right, sites like this NTI blog! When you see NTI’s participation at all RUG meetings, make sure you stop by and talk to us – your business needs for 2019 are important to us.

We look forward to hearing from you and like you, prioritizing how next to leverage the new NonStop has all of NTI excited for 2019! And for now, it’s onto the first big RUG event of the year – SunTUG!


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