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DRNet®/Unified for HPE; aligned with HPE messaging for 2021


Sometimes you can be fortuitous in your planning and even lucky with your messaging. Then again, you might be able to put it down to the interactions between team members that drive conversations to where ideas flourish and images take shape in your mind. For much of 2021 the NTI team has been engaged in such processes and it has led to a reimagining of how best to present the DRNet® product suite while complementing earlier messaging with a number of modern touches.


Where our conversations led us was to an appreciation of safety, of reduced risks and of having confidence in your partner! Whether it was the Americas’ Cup yacht races in New Zealand or simply a trip to the coast to watch other sailboats, the idea of reduced risk brought to the fore the images of a safe haven and a bay with a lighthouse. For many vendors, even those we may be familiar with and have served the NonStop community well for a long time, images of lighthouses have been a good way to project safety and NTI today has gone down a similar path, incorporating a lighthouse in our presentations on DRNet® /Unified for HPE.


The fortuitous nature and indeed timing for NTI to present DRNet® /Unified for HPE within the context of a safe haven with a lighthouse comes with the recent keynote address by HPE CEO, Antonio Neri, at this year’s HPE Discover 2021 virtual experience. As referenced in the post of June 30, 2021 A tale of two events; renewed focus on NonStop published in the NonStop community blog Real Time View: 


“The big announcement was Lighthouse (one screen to rule them all) along with Aurora (zero trust in everyone / everything). I have always liked the symbolism of Lighthouses, safe havens and a beacon of hope and certainly, this caught on with the press.

“As the press briefing continues, Lighthouse was described ‘as a unified platform that has everything for hardware and the software (accessed through) a console; API driven to the customer.’”


Lighthouses, safe havens and yes, a unified platform. Who could have guessed that at NTI we had gone down a path that now looks like HPE’s own messaging? For NTI, embracing PROVisioning: Excellence in Data was just the first of many steps taken to direct the spotlight firmly on data and on NTI’s ability to take your data and replicate it to wherever it is needed.


NTI will get the data to where it’s needed when it’s needed and transformed to be easily consumed while ensuring business continuity. The images may be new, with a more measured approach to the value NTI brings to the NonStop community, but the NTI product suite that is DRNet® /Unified for HPE ensures NonStop customers data is not left silo-ed, out of reach to those who need access to NonStop.


In the article that appeared in the June issue of NonStop Insider, DRNet®/Unified – with unity comes clarity. For NonStop users this creates value the goal of NTI is hard to miss. It’s all about taking data and creating value across the enterprise:


“When it comes to unity, as is being projected today in DRNet®/Unified for HPE, it only succeeds where there is clarity of vision together with clarity of product objectives. For NTI, this clarity has led to the unveiling of its vision for data, PROVisioning: Excellence in Data.


“According to posts published by IT management blogger, Glenn Remoreras, ‘Business and IT need to work together to bring engagement upstream and convert solution based conversation into value and business based conversation.’


“Remoreras then suggests that, ‘The strategic speed of this convergence depends on three drivers: clarity, unity, and value creation. These are the components of the virtuous cycle of trust.’”


In this article, it was NTI’s Global Director Worldwide Sales, Tim Dunne, who validated the goal of NTI and the value it creates for the enterprise:


“For NTI customers, DRNet® /Unified for HPE represents the very core of DRNet® even as it provides the underlying platform for all other capabilities. When NTI addresses the data needs of business today it capitalizes on years of experience using Change Data Capture (CDC) methodologies and with replicating data to better support business continuity with NTI:Replicate, provide business insight with NTI:Integrate, extend business cooperation with NTI:Distribute and expand business opportunity with NTI:Transform.”


Fortuitous? Lucky? Timely? Ultimately it matters little how we develop the messaging or brand our products, the images of Lighthouses and safe havens says it all. Equally as important, for the NonStop community, having a unified product suite addressing all their data needs. The NonStop customers have always been risk averse even as they develop confidence in partners that have stood with them for many decades. NTI is now fast-becoming the vendor to approach when your enterprise needs data anywhere, anytime.


Furthermore, should you have any questions related to DRNet® /Unified for HPE and how it underpins the entire DRNet® product portfolio or if you have any questions at all about meeting your data needs, then give us a call or email us directly and we will be happy to share with you more about the DRNet® product suite.



Phone: +1 (614) 794-6000


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