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GTUG presentation well attended – silos are so yesterday; data integration is key!

Early morning presentations after celebrating on a big night out oftentimes prove challenging, but even so, at this year’s GTUG event in Leipzig, the early morning start proved to be not a deterrent for many attendees and the presentation by NTI was well attended. For me, as the presenter the challenge was not so much the start time but rather, this was my “freshman appearance” having not been the front man for NTI before. And yes, sitting in the audience was the NTI CTO.

Naturally enough, there were a couple of missteps, the most notable being the reference to there being “data avoidance” rather than making it clear that my intent was to highlight that with DRNet®, there was clearly “data loss avoidance.” Not sure any working system would fare all that well if data was avoided… Slipups like this aside, the key message was that experience with data replication is proving to be a valuable when it comes to data integration. The very same mechanisms used with Change Data Capture (CDC) are proving ideal when it comes to ensuring data on NonStop makes it into other external databases, data warehouses and yes, data lakes.

It really is all about choice. About having options and alternative solutions better suited to your individual needs. It still surprises many members of the NonStop community that DRNet® was the first data loss avoidance solution brought to market just as it also comes as a surprise that ACI chose DRNet® long before it’s sibling, Insession Technologies, aligned with GoldenGate. Today, DRNet® is very much a proven solution and as such of benefit to any NonStop user looking at what path to choose when it comes to dismantling mission critical applications and data silos that are still present in many enterprises’ data centers.

If you didn’t have an opportunity to attend GTUG and hear firsthand about DRNet® and the role it plays in data integration then by all means, visit the NTI web site for more information about DRNet® – just check under the PRODUCTS tab or reach out to the sales team at NTI via email or simply call us at +1.614.794.6000  


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