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Great Southern Land – taking it all in at OzTUG

The event for the Australian and New Zealand NonStop communities has always seemed an attractive alternate venue to those NTI regularly visits in North America and Europe. The distance is always a concern, but NTI has members of the NonStop user community that have been staunch supporters of the company for a very long time. Those Financial Institutions in this part of the world that run payments  products from FIS – formerly eFunds and before that Deluxe Data – are well acquainted with NTI and so the opportunity to catch up with people we have worked with for a very long time proved too hard to ignore.

The team from NTI was headed by Tim Dunne, NTI Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales, but also included Cody Newton, NTI COO, and Andrew Pham, NTI Software Engineer, and they all were present for both OzTUG Sydney and OzTUG in Melbourne. NTI would like to thank HPE’s David Gilbanks who came through with a really good show. Attendance was excellent, particularly in Sydney, where the crowd looked to be about seventy but Melbourne didn’t disappoint with an audience of thirty participants. While the split between HPE, vendors and customers was consistent with what we see elsewhere around the globe, 30:30:30, it was good to see some forty customers spread between the locations.

Sydney is always a sight to behold and it didn’t disappoint. The hospitality provided was excellent and it continues to surprise us – pleasantly, mind you – that the reach of NonStop is spread as far and wide as it is and yes, all of our customers made it to these two events. This was particularly impressive as the NTI team was able to sit with all of them and hear their plans. In particular, our expansion of capabilities from data replication into data integration and data transformation hit a particularly strong chord when we introduced DRNet® for big data storage analytics and reporting products – look for our upcoming products to better support NonStop integration with Splunk. More on this will follow shortly, but be sure to check out the upcoming October issue of NonStop Insider for more on this topic. 

Before leaving Australia to return to the United States we were able to talk more about the status of DRNet® s
upporting NonStop integration with Splunk with a number of NonStop customers who expressed immediate interest in DRNet®, so we have a lot of work to do as the year draws to a close. However, this is precisely why NTI invests in events worldwide and even as the travel can prove burdensome on occasion, the results as good as they proved to be on this occasion makes the expenditure in time and money well worth it. Who knows, the NTI team may be returning to Australia a lot sooner than planned only a few short months ago! 


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