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NTI and HPE are in agreement: it will be an enterprise “world that is edge-centric, cloud-enabled and data-driven.”

NTI is making the commitment to ensure the NonStop community understands the business problems it is addressing with DRNet® product. We gave a lot of presentations at events worldwide and for the remainder of the year, this commitment to take the NTI message to the NonStop community will continue as we pack our bags and head to events around the planet. From Ontario, Canada for CTUG, and Sydney and Melbourne, Australia for OzTUG.

Of course, there is also the all-important NonStop Technical Boot Camp back here in California, drawing ever closer where we will be unveiling our new initiatives; and the message we will be taking to the NonStop community is that yes, it’s all about the data! When it comes to what can be expected to be the highlight of NTI’s presence, it will be about the alternative to NonStop RDF. "For those NonStop shops faced with finding alternatives to RDF, who require proven, seamless replacement technology featuring direct support and the lowest TCO in the industry,” said Tim Dunne, NTI Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales then, “look no further than NTI's DRNet product.”

By now we have all read the comments by HPE CEO Antonio Neri, “We see a world that is edge-centric, cloud-enabled and data-driven.” Here at NTI, we couldn’t agree any more strongly with this observation – it’s a data-drive world! It has become very clear to NTI that our presence in the world of data is driving us to become a single source replication “ecosystem”, with capabilities that keep pace with changing customer requirements. To this end, the ecosystem that is the DRNet® we are building out today, will include solutions for data replication, data integration and even data transformation.

It is an ambitious program but at NTI we are very fortunate that through our relationship with our customers over the decades we have been providing them with solutions, nearly all of the components and features needed to address enterprises data are readily at hand. Anticipate hearing a lot more from NTI over the course of this year. We are ensuring we take our message to the four corners of the planet, almost literally is now seems, for a purpose. It is all about data and it is all about supporting data-driven enterprises operating within a data-driven economy.

To read the full article, check out the September issue of NonStop Insider:

And make sure you check back to read even more about where NTI is headed to better meet the future needs of the NonStop community in the feature article to appear first in the October issue of NonStop Insider.

As for NTI and NonStop Technical Boot Camp, even though there are still a few weeks to go before this event kicks-off in earnest, “send us an email requesting your competitive quote to and be prepared to receive your 'easy on the eyes' offer."


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