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NTI –plans are revealed and directions set; look for more from NTI in 2019!

The NonStop Technical Boot Camp (TBC) is well and truly behind us even as the NonStop community is anticipating more news to come from the HPE NonStop team following updates on numerous actions being taken. RFPs have been handed out as well as more news about the move to add significantly to the services offerings available to NonStop users looking for a helping hand as they move to NonStop X and to the L-Series OS and stack.

Boot Camp didn’t hold too many surprises. It was always expected that, at some point, HPE would outline the end of the line for the Itanium systems – the NonStop I family – and while there will be a few NonStop users taking a little longer than others to complete the migration, HPE is doing a good job of ensuring they will not be left high and dry just yet.

At NTI we are seeing that HPE is giving support to the NonStop team and this is an encouraging sign – for NonStop users it signals modern capabilities being provided to better enhance NonStop systems’ integration in today’s world of Hybrid IT while for NonStop vendors like NTI, opportunities to grow the NonStop community and to add “new logos” is always a welcome development.

Boot Camp may be over, but in the posts and commentaries NTI provided immediately following the completion of the Boot Camp, our message is even more strongly aligned with HPE’s direction for NonStop. Key to our message is that NTI isn’t just in the data replication business or the data integration business, but is in the business of data. What this means is that wherever data is being replicated, integrated, transformed or otherwise found to be on the move, NTI will have solutions supporting all such actions.

Take for instance the news of NTI citing our intentions to provide NSaaS, and that NTI has in fact purchased multiple vNonStop product licenses to complement our existing multi-generational systems environment. It had been the stated objective of the NonStop team for some time that they would be working with the vendor community when it came to offering support for NSaaS and NTI is pleased to be a participant and to be among the first vendors to signal the direction that they are taking.

We have made it very clear where our intentions lie and the direction in which NTI is headed. Furthermore, NTI is really appreciative of all the good support we already are receiving from HPE and from the NonStop team. For more about this move into more or less a cloud based environment, check out the most recent article featured in the December issue of NonStop Insider, NTI – a strategy for DRNet® revealed at NonStop Technical Boot Camp

This purchase of multiple vNonStop licenses was also featured in a post to the LinkedIn blog, Pulse. In that post you will read about our intentions being very clear: NTI will be providing NSaaS from our own data centers and this created considerable buzz at TBC as, following our presentation, we had many more members of the NonStop community stop by our exhibit to talk about the implications of what we had announced. For more on what was said in this post, check out NTI plays a big card at NonStop Technical Boot Camp, 2018

Yes, it’s all about data and with data it’s all about getting the right data to the right people in the right form, but it’s also about doing it in a manner that is economical as it is practical. NTI is now going to be in a position to support your data on your terms. Data is neither going away nor lessening in significance and its contribution to enterprises being able to remain in business is central to NTI’s plans for 2019.

For now, it’s the time for holidays and celebrations. It’s a time to reflect on all that transpired in 2018 even as we look forward to greeting the New Year. Rest assured, your NTI team will be enjoying this time just as much as everyone else in the NonStop community but know too that so much is being planned for 2019 that you will not want to miss any event where NTI participates. And with that, we wish you all the best for 2019 and hope to see you all very soon!


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