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Las Vegas ignited considerable interest in HPE; NTI adds capabilities to better support NonStop!

Edinburgh’s European (NonStop) Technical Boot Camp (ETBC) proved to be very good for NTI as it took the wraps off its strategy for NonStop. Introducing the NonStop community to PROVisioning: Excellence in Data gave notice to all members of the NonStop community that NTI was very much aware of the strategy being pursued by HPE and was aligning its own product roadmaps to better leverage the new and the upcoming  capabilities of HPE’s mission critical systems portfolio. There are many ways to ingest data created on NonStop, but building products using Change Data Capture (CDC) methodology ensures the speed needed to participate in today’s always connected, always on, world is guaranteed.

There are many ways to analyze data but having the fastest solution for inclusion in analytics processing in real time means NonStop users have access to the information even as transactions are being processed. Whether the data captured on NonStop is destined for processes performing replication, integration, distribution or transformation – NTI delivers with the
DRNet® product suite.

Las Vegas gave new meaning to why speed is important. As HPE CEO Antonio Neri introduced Susie Wolff, who manages the Venturi Formula E Racing team entrant in the Formula E competition, it was all about speed as well as analytics as AI plays a very important role in turning these cars into winners. With HPE support for Wolff’s Venturi team, where resources were limited and tightly controlled, the presence of HPE overseeing the analysis of data meant the team could assign valuable resources to other parts of the team’s racing program. In business it is very much the same – the presence of NTI and the DRNet® product suite means enterprises can assign resources to where they can make a difference, like projects that keep an enterprise competitive.  Equally true, just as HPE ensures flexibility to adjust to changing conditions, NTI and its products provide flexibility as to where and to whom data is delivered.

In the June, 2019 issue of NonStop Insider NTI gave a brief glimpse into what would be covered in the plenary presentation given by NTI’s Industry Consultant, Richard Buckle. If as yet you haven’t seen this issue or have as yet not read the feature article, here is a brief update taken directly from the article, NTI – Launches PROVisioning: Excellence in Data!

DRNet® and DRNet® / Open anchor the PROVisioning for Replicate. DRNet® / Vision for Splunk> anchor the PROVisioning for Integration – the interface being JDBC for now with JSON to follow, as will support of Hadoop, Kafka, etc. shortly. PROVisioning for Distribution will be anchored by our partner’s product supplied by a NonStop vendor participating in our ecosystem. As for PROVisioning for Transformation this will be part of extending business opportunities in the era of Hybrid IT and will include new features to simplify the way enterprises get data into and out of platforms needing data. However, this extension of business opportunities will also include NTI’s move into providing DRNet® as a Service.

The key to the success of this new strategy of NTI is the CDC model at the very heart of DRNet® deployments today. NTI continues to do an outstanding job when it comes to excellence of moving data from NonStop to anything else – it works with SQL, Enscribe, TMF audited and non-TMF audited files – without the need for any additional products. NTI was the first vendor to champion CDC on NonStop and everything that goes into making PROVisioning: Excellence in Data important for all NonStop users will be based on CDC methodology.    

Formula E Racing looks for speed at every opportunity as it is speed that differentiates the performance of one competitor over another. When it comes to NonStop speed too is advantageous as is flexibility together with the ability to accommodate the changing product portfolio of mission critical products coming from HPE. As HPE prepares to offer all of its products on the basis of “a-a-S” so too will NTI, with work already well under way to support a vendor-neutral private cloud capable of supporting all NTI products to be consumed as services.

There will be more coverage of this in future articles and posts, but for now, if you haven’t read the article published in the June, 2019 issue of NonStop Insider, referenced above, simply go to the article by clicking on the hyperlink included above or just as  easily, cut and paste this link into you browser -


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