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NTI prominent at TBC 2019 – Data Integration with Cloud to play bigger role for DRNet® users!

The level of participation in HPE NonStop’s annual NonStop Technical Boot Camp (TBC) was encouraging to see and now that attendees have returned home, there is ample time to cover topics that were popular at the event. Clearly, it’s become increasingly noticeable that enterprises worldwide are embracing hybrid IT and that clouds are playing an important role in many of the decisions enterprises are making. Who wouldn’t want to become more productive at less cost? Who wouldn’t want to break the cycle of upfront investments for a more flexible, pay-as-you-go, model?

The number of times presentations highlighting the benefits of IT embracing an Operational Expense (OpEx) model, versus the traditional Capital Expense (CapEx) options of the past, were hard to miss. The NonStop team is fully behind models that extend the “as-a-Service” option even as at this time these were baby-steps on a journey many NonStop users would be undertaking over the course of the coming decade.

This is where hybrid IT plays an important role as its implications for IT are not just destined for cloud take up, but include the presence of traditional IT as well. This is a journey and there will be many steps taken before clouds become ubiquitous to the point where every data center is in a cloud.

According to Tim Dunne, NTI Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales:

“Whenever the industry undergoes major transition there are opportunities and NTI recognizes that among the more important items the NonStop community needs to address is data integration.
“With our history steeped in data replication, the move to data integration represents a major step for NTI, but it delivers the level of capability and indeed reliability that NTI has been known for from the time it first introduced DRNet® to the NonStop community.” 

In today’s data-driven world, where NonStop provides support of mission critical applications, it’s increasingly important for NonStop customers and prospects to have access to as many options as are available when it comes to moving data from NonStop to targets such as clouds. NTI is providing leadership in this marketplace and elected to coexist with other solutions which is only further enhancing NTI’s reputation as a premier product provider for all things data related!

Data Integration with Clouds – private and public – in time will play a bigger role for DRNet® users! This is a key element in the strategy NTI has developed in support of an expanded DRNet® product portfolio that today is better known as PROVisioning: Excellence in Data. However, having a vision and a strategy is just a starting point.  What became very clear at TBC 2019 was that the DRNet® extended product family is finding its place in the real world where today there are many NonStop users already deploying DRNet® to meet the demands of data movement!

TBC 2019 proved to be very successful for NTI in terms of us being able to promote our products and this is just the beginning. Transforming to hybrid IT is under way and it is inclusive of data centers where there is a NonStop presence. This too was noted by NTI’s Dunne:

“As we talked with almost every other NonStop vendor of late it’s clear that HPE is doing extremely well selling the new NonStop X systems and it’s not all replacement business – there are new applications for NonStop being actively discussed by some of our NonStop customers and the more applications we see deployed on NonStop, whether on traditional NonStop X or on vNS in private clouds, the more we know even more data will be on the move!”

To read of how NTI came to this conclusion and much more, read the full article just published in the November 2019 issue of NonStop Insider, NTI – Products and Partnerships dominated conversations at TBC 2019  or simply cut and paste this link into you browser -

Remember too (if you happened to have missed attending TBC 2019, there are still opportunities to meet the NTI team with:
BITUG Little SIG (London) December 3, 2019, will happen very soon -

And when it comes to planning for 2020, the next major NonStop event will be held in Berlin, Germany:

HPE NonStop HotSpot / IT-Symposium (Berlin) May 4 – 6, 2020 should prove to be the highlight of the European event season -


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