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For NTI – Vision and Strategy turns to Products

NTI has been describing its vision and strategy for some time and in 2020 there is a full rollout of new products and features centered on DRNet®.While it is relatively easy to whiteboard marketing plans covering vision and strategy, they still need to be implemented in products for the real world. And NTI is delivering today! The NonStop community is familiar with “slideware” and as interesting as many presentations on data may be, there still is no substitute for usable products in the real world.

Throughout 2019 if there was a RUG or GEO event anywhere in the world, you would have heard all about the PROVisioning: Excellence in Data. The catalyst for making the move into a more data centric view of the world has been a direct result of the changes happening with NonStop. Data has taken center stage! Data is the new currency of business! Mining data reveals true nuggets that are pure gold!

It’s only a short time ago that NonStop transformed into a software solution – as a converged system on HPE hardware or fully virtualized on customer sourced hardware (both based on Intel x86 architecture) – but the fundamentals remained. Fault tolerance, security and scalability. Now it’s all about how NonStop creates the data and that data value if processed in a timely manner – it’s “freshness” being absolutely critical for companies to turn the data into actionable information.

All of this has become widely known throughout the NonStop community and it has triggered considerable interest in products that can ingest data from NonStop and forward it to other systems and platforms where further actions can be taken. From its origins in data replication, DRNet® now embraces data integration, distribution and transformation. Whether the data arrives at an offsite secondary or tertiary system primarily deployed for backup, or to data warehouses and lakes where analytics might be applied, or simply data being distributed to the edge, DRNet® has a product offering that will suit.

In the most recent article just published in the February 2020 issue of NonStop Insider, NTI – delivering programs that bring new DRNet® solutions to market in 2020! NTI looks at just one aspect of its strategy that is already being delivered as a product -

It is now clear to us that data replication will continue to be our flagship product but already there are signs that data integration will gain ground in 2020. It was almost a year ago that NTI revealed a new solution called DRNet®/Vision. The idea behind DRNet®/Vision was to capitalize on data replication, based on Change Data Capture (CDC), so that our users could be able to replicate NonStop data and metadata out of NonStop into Splunk using an intermediary database.  And this was just the starting point in this endeavor. Since then NTI has enhanced DRNet®/Vision to use JSON as the light-weight interface and in so doing, open access to a multitude of data consumers - such as Hadoop, Kafka, ELK and others.  

Which had Tim Dunne, NTI Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales reminding us all that, DRNet®/Vision is available today and has been deployed to numerous sites with a number of Proofs of Concept underway validating the solution. As Dunne noted in this latest article to NonStop Insider -   

“The beauty of DRNet®/Vision is the ability to easily and quickly co-exist with incumbent replication technologies in a non-threatening manner; there is no need to contemplate replacing incumbent products as the beauty of being based on CDC is that DRNet®/Vision will readily complement existing product deployments.”

To read this article published in the January 2020 issue of NonStop Insider, simply click on the hyperlink above or cut and paste this link into you browser –

And where can you hear more from the NTI team about the products being delivered in 2020? At any of the upcoming RUG and GEO events planned for 2020, including -  

HPE NonStop HotSpot / IT-Symposium (Berlin) May 4 – 6, 2020, should prove to be the highlight of the European event season -

Not forgetting:

SunTUG (Florida) February 28, 2020
MexTug Late April, 2020

And looking further out:

CTUG (Mississauga, Ontario) September 23 – 24, 2020
NonStop TBC (Burlingame) November 16 – 18, 2020

With news about other events to follow shortly that are already being planned, make sure you check out future articles and commentaries in traditional and social media where NTI will be featured.  


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