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SunTUG was the place to be – news and updates provided by NTI

RUG events kicked off in earnest in February with all roads leading to Tampa, Florida, the Sunshine State. SunTUG has traditionally pulled together a very large cross section of the NonStop community and it didn’t disappoint in 2020 – close to 100 attendees participated in the two days of planned activities. When it came time to giving away gifts as the show came to a close, it was Jim Keene of JPMC who took home the prized NTI iPad.

NTI has provided a strong support to RUG and GEO events worldwide where our message has resonated well with all members of the NonStop community. However, together with our colleagues across the NonStop vendor landscape we are now being challenged as authorities are aggressively dissuading events of any kind from taking place. To this end, we are adhering to any requests for postponements or cancellations on the understanding that it is our responsibility to comply with requests for social distancing.

Nevertheless, NonStop systems continue to be a much needed component of countries’ infrastructure. Almost overnight the businesses we serve face not just changing socioeconomic conditions but are radically altering their business models – car factories are switching to building ventilators and distilleries that once produced alcoholic beverages are now producing sanitizing lotions. And much more!

Data, and reliable fresh data, is even more highly valued as fully understanding the trends is needed to better trigger positive responses. For many, NonStop creates the data. Whether it’s governments holding press briefings or the media attempting to keep us all informed or even businesses releasing financial results almost without exception they come with charts displaying data. At NTI, we are accelerating our development and testing of new products that help get data from NonStop and into Data Warehouse and Data Lakes and this is creating widespread interest across the NonStop community.
In the March 2020 issue of NonStop Insider – the 42nd time this publication has been produced – At SunTUG, our first RUG event of 2020, the response for NTI has been positive! – NTI provides further insights into the ways data can be passed to platforms analyzing the data that is generated by mission critical solutions. Following the availability of support for Splunk>, at SunTUG it became clear that NonStop users are increasingly intrested in DRNet® /Vision addressing other platforms –

“As a complement to previous ways to ingest data based on JDBC (and requiring a staging server between a NonStop source and any target), it is propelling NTI into the middle of many discussions among NonStop customers, particularly among those in the Financial Services industry. At SunTUG this year there were many such users present for the event. ‘Interest in DRNet® /Vision, particularly as it relates to interfacing to Open Source data-focused products like Kafka and Hadoop, surpassed NTI’s expectations at least ten-fold,’ said Tim Dunne, NTI Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales.

“‘Whereas Kafka and Hadoop are considered being highly valued elements supporting today’s modern approach to data management infrastructure, it is the ease with which NTI extracts data at the source that makes it easy to populate them. Leveraging decades of experience with Change Data Capture (CDC) techniques to deliver a low impact method of extracting data from NonStop databases is now being recognized as a viable vehicle for providing greater integration of NonStop with the rest of systems in the data center.’ It’s all about ease of deployment and ease of use that has captured the attention of the NonStop community and at SunTUG this was evident with every conversation we had.”  

Please let us know too if you are now interested in directing data created on NonStop to clouds and in particular, to popular products like Snowflake, as increasingly such products are proving critical to businesses and to their ability to respond to changing business climates.

To read this article published in the March 2020 issue of NonStop Insider, simply click on the hyperlink above or cut and paste this link into you browser –

As for where next you will see an NTI presence at a RUG or GEO meeting, keep watching for further posts to the NTI web site –


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