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NTI taps new opportunities; NonStop users preparing to move-on from status quo.

”Maintaining the status quo is a recipe for stagnation,” so one source tapped recently. More to my way of thinking, when it comes to accepting the status quo, was the observation by Henry Ford; “If I would’ve asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” Among the NonStop community there has never been support for just doing the same time and time again, rather, there was always a willingness to pursue new opportunities so long as the risk to NonStop itself could be managed. No NonStop user wanted to ever compromise the availability attribute of NonStop! 

There continues to be a lot of emphasis placed on Digital Transformation (DX). New IDC Spending Guide Shows Continued Growth for Digital Transformation in 2020, Despite the Challenges Presented by the COVID-19 Pandemic, an IDC update of May 20, 2020, made it very clear that for the foreseeable future, DX would involve considerable effort being devoted to ensuring the right product mix is deployed across the enterprise:

"COVID-19 has upended the global economy, with direct negative implications on the way businesses invest in IT," said Craig Simpson, senior research manager with IDC's Customer Insights and Analysis Group. "DX technology investment has not gone unscathed, but so far it has been affected to a lesser extent since many large-scale DX projects underway or planned are instrumental to broader strategic business initiatives.

For the NonStop community it has been all about preparing for the digital business that is steadily overtaking the way we view transactions. Today, the world has moved to smartphones and to the internet and in handling those customer-centric devices, the volume of transactions has escalated to the point where daily volumes exceed anything in the past. Having the NonStop system up and running continuously demands the best solutions for ensuring accessibility no matter what – disasters natural or manmade.

But what is digital business and what is the message of digital transformation all about? According to the journal Teksystems:

Digital transformation has become an ambiguous, catchall term that encompasses a whole host of technology and business initiatives—from modernization, to cloud migrations, to digital platforms, digital transformation is seemingly everywhere.

In the big picture, digital transformation refers to the process of using digital technologies to create new—or enhance existing—business processes, culture and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements.

When it comes to changing business requirements, NTI has seen discussions pivot to address a more practical need. Are the products and solutions deployed today really the right mix to address the expanding world of digital business? Products well received by the NonStop community at the beginning of this century may have excelled one way or the other, but are they still price competitive? Do they still support features we need and most importantly of all, are they committed to supporting the NonStop product roadmap? With new NonStop systems on the horizon even with the commitment by the NonStop team to ensure L-Series OS compatibility, will these vendors be prepared to perform the validation testing to ensure that this is the case for each member of the NonStop community?

When it comes to addressing these changing business requirements, in terms of ensuring business continuity, NonStop users have many options from which to choose. NTI pioneered Change Data Capture technology 35 years ago and two competitors followed.  Today, it’s not clear to the NonStop community that NonStop will continue to be a priority for one of those competitors. Uncertainty over the future direction of its product will continue given its vast interests outside of NonStop.

Simply maintaining the status quo isn’t a solution nor is simply downgrading the need to ensure currency with future NonStop product introductions. Doing nothing in today’s environment leads not just to stagnation but the embracement of a legacy mindset and in the August 2020 issue of NonStop Insider, NTI made its support of NonStop very clear in its feature article, NTI: executing on our vision; delivering on our strategy; filling in our roadmap!

At NTI our vision has been clear; NTI is in the business of data. As for NTI’s vision, our product roadmap execution supports data being replicated, integrated, transformed and distributed. As for our strategy, it’s all about working with our NonStop users to determine the best fit with the product roadmap deliverables. 

What we embraced in terms of Change Data Capture (CDC) methodology, we built on to better support integration, transformation and distribution.   

With DRNet®/Vision we effectively extended our proven, leading, CDC architecture to turn data formerly siloed on NonStop into actionable insight for the enterprise.

As digital transformation continues and hybrid IT prevails within the data center, DRNet® will not just integrate data created on NonStop with data lakes and data warehouses but will also become a tool for data transformation. Simply stated, DRNet® can provide a vehicle to extend business opportunity resulting from migrations off legacy solutions.

Perhaps the time has come to look at leaving the stagnating world of legacy solutions behind and embrace those product offerings that continue to track to the NonStop roadmaps! NTI certainly is one of those vendors so committed. To read this article published in the August 2020 issue of NonStop Insider, simply click on the hyperlink above or cut and paste this link into you browser –

Should you have any questions at all for your NTI team on any of our product offerings, just email us or call directly any member of our sales team. And look for further updates from HPE and the NonStop team as to how to register for any upcoming virtual events where we hope to see you all!


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