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NTI: Bringing our core competency to NonStop customers.


The 2020 NonStop Technical Boot Camp (TBC), the All-Digital Experience, as it was promoted, is now behind us. For many seasoned NonStop community members, the knowledge that 2,000 community members had registered for the event and that the count of active participants routinely pushed north of 1,500 truly signifies that there is continued interest in all things NonStop. Within the industry, the “stickiness” of NonStop is well-known, but even so this turn-out by the NonStop community must rate among the highest ever dating back to the days of ITUG Summits past.


In the presentations given by NonStop team members, there was the inclusion of the NonStop partner ecosystem. A bright display of vendor logos, whether they sold products, provided services or consulted on everything from utilities and frameworks to the NS SQL/MX database. The NonStop partner community is thriving and in ways that continues to surprise other technology communities and for good reason. The knowledge of all things NonStop keeps on expanding such that there are now multiple parties to turn to for any product or solution need.


What also came across as this event progressed was the number of times core competency was mentioned. It is as if within any product vertical there were multiple product offerings to choose from. Whether they were part of the NonStop product portfolio, part of the NonStop expanded catalogue of supported partner products or standalone from equally as capable and as well funded as some vendors have become to where they are less in need of support from others.


NTI is among the select group of vendors whose strength in the marketplace speaks for itself. “There is a positive attitude today among the NTI clients and a real sense of NTI meeting their business needs,” said NTI Global Director, Worldwide Sales, Tim Dunne. “With NTI and the DRNet® solution suite, there is so much value we can provide to many NonStop customers. I continue to be surprised by just how well we have advanced DRNet®, taking it into areas that were only just bullet points on our DRNet® product roadmaps back in 2017, such as virtualization and business intelligence.”


However, there is a lot more than just being viewed positively by the NTI clients as there are expanding market opportunities where the DRNet® product suite can provide value. This has to do with NonStop users coming to better understand the core competency of NTI. The message and the branding that supports this message is all about data. Through replication starting with Change Data Capture (CDC) models, NTI can ensure data is delivered wherever it is needed. This was the theme too of the latest feature published in the November 2020 issue of NonStop Insider, NTI: All prepped and ready to go at virtual NonStop Technical BootCamp (The NonStop All Digital Experience) -


“‘Even as they have some of the bases covered,’ said Dunne, ‘the NonStop team knows that there is more to offer NonStop customers and prospects by bringing into deals those NonStop vendors with core competencies that go beyond just the basics. With NTI, and the work we have done in the past year in support of our strategy headlined by PROVisioning: Excellence in Data, the NonStop community can leverage our competency in Change Data Capture (CDC) and replication to ensure the requirements for their data are fully realized.’

DRNet ® of today has come a long way since 2017. With DRNet/Open ® and DRNet/Vision® either fully deployed or doing well in Proof of Concepts (PoCs), NTI has leveraged its competency in replication to ensure data created on NonStop can be replicated to D/R sites, target open platforms where Oracle, MySQL, SQL-Server and more have been deployed or even target Business Intelligence and Analytics solutions running within the cloud including Splunk>, Kafka, Elastic, and more.’

“‘Whether a project is looking to integrate data, distribute data, or transform data, capitalizing on our replication strength means that we can do it all.’”


Core competency was featured in many of the PowerPoint slides used in the NTI presentation as TBC kicked-of Monday, November 16. Among the very first partner presentations to be given where the audience was as attentive as it could be – the number of attendees climbing to 146 at last count – it too highlighted NTI’s core competency. Core competency is about the advantages that come with DRNet ® that makes this product suite stand out from competitors; it’s about products that go beyond what primary vendors provide as it caters to that all-important requirement to do much more with data than simply replicating to an off-site secondary data center.


NTI pioneered much that is recognizable in other vendor offerings whereby today, its DRNet ® product suite remains anchored in data replication, even as it is now complemented by data integration, transformation and distribution as well as being assisted by other NonStop vendors, including TANDsoft. NTI’s core competency created opportunities for business looking to turn data into information that in turn creates the insights that leads to further business opportunities. It was the core competency that gave opportunity too to NTI “turning Pro” that led to the expansion of its core message to embrace PROVisioning: Excellence in Data. No surprises here and as every professional can attest to, there’s always that sweet spot that signifies excellence in execution and for NTI, that sweet spot is data.


And if you missed the latest article published in this 50th issue of NonStop Insider, simply click on the hyperlink above or cut and paste this link into you browser –


Should you have any questions at all for your NTI team about our core competency as it applies to the approach we have embraced for better data integration and how best to ensure data created on NonStop just email us or call directly any member of our sales team.


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