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NTI: Pioneers do it first!


For anyone living west of the mighty Mississippi River, signs from pioneering times exist almost everywhere you turn. The wagon ruts left behind by the wheels of many wagon trains that headed to California and Oregon are still visible on grassy fields. Being first to lay claim to the richness of those faraway lands was the prize these pioneers sought with every journey they took. You don’t have to live in the US to view such markers, as early settlers in Australia likewise turned to pioneers to break out from coastal living and cross the great divide.

The Zig Zag railway line, pictured above, that followed those early pioneering explorers to the west of Sydney is a clear reminder of the difficulties that arise as natural barriers are overcome. So named Zig Zag as the railway line crisscrossed the mountainside when passing over the country’s Blue Mountains. Rivers, mountains and even the oceans that surround us have all proved challenging at some point and when it comes to our IT infrastructure, it was NonStop that rose to the challenge of creating a fault tolerant system but it was the NonStop vendor community that created solutions addressing disaster tolerance.

This was the theme of the latest article published in the March issue of NonStop Insider, Leadership, experience, ecosystems – being first has many benefits for NTI. When it comes to pioneering and being first what typically follows is the accumulation of experience that aids enormously in meeting the needs of the future. It is with experience that leadership develops and with leadership comes innovation and creativity that is highly prized within the NonStop community.

With as much talk as there is today about clouds and the cloud experience, NTI is uniquely positioned to provide solutions in support of both High Availability and Disaster Recovery based on the Change Data Capture (CDC) methodologies that NTI pioneered nearly forty years ago:

NTI has a story that is often overlooked, but is one that can be expressed quite simply, no hyperbole or grandiose prose needed. When it comes to data replication, NTI was the first NonStop vendor to market even as it pioneered the use of Change Data Capture methodologies that supported TMF and non-TMF protected database and files to be replicated. One product, one technology giving us one all-inclusive solution!

However, it’s more than just a story that needs to be shared. It’s the value that comes with gaining experience over time to where NTI can provide the level of expertise and support the NonStop user community requires. It is this experience too that warrants a further look at the many achievements of NTI that assures customers and prospects alike that wherever their own journey takes them, NTI has been there before and overcome the many barriers that challenge even the most experienced NonStop user:

But what does being first really mean? For the NonStop community, what is significant about being a pioneer? It’s very easy for our industry to champion slogans like “We are the best” or “We are the biggest” or even “We are the oldest”, but there can only ever be one first. NTI through its pioneering efforts was first in the marketplace with data replication.

“Clarity of message is just so important these days,” said Tim Dunne, NTI’s Global Director Worldwide Sales. “With as much background noise that we all are subject to it is good to know that NTI maintains a global presence across the NonStop community that continues to grow.

If you missed the latest article published in this latest issue of NonStop Insider, simply click on the hyperlink above or cut and paste this link into you browser –

Should you have any questions at all for your NTI team about our core competency as it applies to the approach we have embraced for addressing today’s needs for high availability operation as well as disaster recovery protection, just email us or call directly any member of our sales team.


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