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NTI helps NonStop users leverage the product “cap.”


The boys of summer have taken to the fields and once again, are swinging for the fences. Whether your sport happens to be baseball, gridiron, football or even cricket, there has been many attempts at ensuring parity between the teams. Setting limits on budgets and even personnel, have been one somewhat successful attempt to ensure fairness, but even so, the need to work with less to achieve even more continues to make headlines.


There is no question that the benefits that come with focusing on key contributors continue to drive the fortunes of the best clubs. After all, whether it is a sports team or an enterprises IT organization there are only so many ways you can dissect a budget!


What is perhaps less discussed is the product caps we leverage for the benefit of our enterprise. An enterprise could purchase every hardware and software product on the market only to find connecting the pieces beyond its capabilities. Leveraging key solutions to the benefit of the enterprise remains a priority as even where budgets seem endless, there is always the potential that change will bring with it de-escalation of priorities to where support of trusted systems becomes tenuous.


For the HPE NonStop community, the ecosystem of partners providing products and services is substantial. However, it is our observation that planning on narrowing the focus to just a couple of key partners represents a valuable exercise in working within the constraints of this product cap.


This happened to be the focus of our latest article appearing in the April 2020 issue of NonStop Insider. Under the heading of Performance Counts – for product, support and value, NTI delivers! references are made to the “unfair advantage” that NTI holds over the competition and that advantage takes many forms:


When it comes to technology there are so many options that staying abreast of the technology is fraught with danger. No enterprise wants to be left behind with orphaned solutions that are no longer mainstream.


There isn’t an enterprise to be referenced that is proud that the solution that supports their business is no longer mainstream, no longer supported and yes, is slow to respond to change even as it is slow to respond to user interactions.


NonStop systems aren’t immune to orphan architectures and technologies making a splash, albeit sometimes only briefly – think Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) that appeared with the introduction of the NonStop S-Series of systems – leaving enterprises having to devote valuable time and resources to planning migrations.


At its simplest, it is effort wasted and when companies want to be more productive under a significantly reduces product cap, sidelining more important pursuits. From NTI’s perspective, what we have witnessed of late is the mix of pragmatism and realism that is prevailing among IT professionals, something we recognized in this latest article to NonStop Insider: 


“Leading edge Banks and Processors in the payments and infrastructure marketplace have invested in, and are reliant upon, NonStop systems to grow their brand and avoid attrition to eager competitors. These risk-averse businesses prefer to rely upon proven providers” said Tim Dunne, NTI’s Global Director Worldwide Sales. 

“In this day and age, IT departments are tasked with reducing the number of technology vendors providing bits and pieces of NonStop technology and companies such as NTI are welcomed as a consolidated multi-solution provider serving the enterprise.


“A typical IT department may have as many as 40 solution providers, some of whom provide pieces of the technology puzzle versus a singular, integrated, flexible solution as is the DRNet® product suite from NTI.”

The DRNet® product suite delivers on all counts. More importantly, when considering the ramifications of working under a product cap, the DRNet® product suite is a comprehensive solution to every NonStop users requirements for data replication whether it is in support of Disaster / Recovery or simply to replicate to other processes, platforms or databases.


It’s a proven, highly integrated yet flexible solution and is delivered as a single product. It simply reduces the potential for any need of adding additional products even as it reduces the touch points a company needs to maintain with partners.

NTI lets you stretch your dollar cap that may be a consideration and reduce how many ways you distribute your IT budget. To live within the product cap we see emerging among many NonStop users, NTI may just be the partner that best meets all your data and data replication, integration, distribution and transformation requirements.


To read more of the value that NTI delivers as it helps bring into line the number of partners that might be mandated in order to better fit under the product cap, just follow the hyperlink above. Or, simply cut and paste the url below into your favorite browser:


Should you be finding yourself being asked to deliver under a product cap that has been reduced, and would like to know more about NTI and its DRNet® product suite simply call the number below or email us at any time at 


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