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For the NonStop community, when choosing a unified solution for data replication the place to be is in a safe haven …

As anyone who has ventured to sea knows all too well, it is wise to spend times looking over your charts to view those harbors that offer a safe haven should anything unexpected eventuate. Pilots too know where they can land safely should they experience difficulties and are ever watchful for airfields suitable for emergency landings, whether it’s violent weather-related turbulence or much worse, perhaps an engine that fails. Avoiding disaster is never far from the minds of those who venture into the unknown.

Much closer to home perhaps, in these times through which we have all lived, many of us have discovered our safe haven, whether it’s an outside corner table at a café or simply a cozy room at home, relief has been possible far removed, as it were, from all that is happening outside of our immediate surroundings. In any endeavor there is always the need to minimize risk and for the NonStop community as they contemplate replacing legacy products with more modern offerings, there is always the concern about the risk – should we take advantage of a system upgrade to also review the mix of products we plan to migrate?

This was the subject of the article published in the May 2021 issue of NonStop Insider, Importance of the solution – migrating to DRNet®? Be assured you are starting from a safe haven! In this article we reference the benefits of finding your safe haven:

As the premier provider of mission-critical disaster recovery solutions for HPE NonStop systems, NTI has a proven track record of delivering technologically superior solutions together with the experience to make these solutions operational. NTI’s commitment to active research and development ensures the future availability of significant product enhancements for NTI clients that today ensure data can be replicated to databases and processes to transform data into information that provides meaningful business insights.

When it comes to deploying data replication solutions such as to DRNet®, NTI mitigates the risks involved by working out of a safe haven. NonStop users can rest assured that just as individuals seek a safe haven so too do the IT professionals of any enterprises. And when it comes to choosing NTI and mitigating perceived risks from a migration NTI introduces HAVEN.

For HPE NonStop users, haven is now not only a place but an acronym that they will find repeated wherever the message of DRNet® is communicated. Yes, at upcoming user events, you will see what NTI means by HAVEN and you will come to appreciate the steps NTI has taken to mitigate the concerns of even the most risk-averse enterprises. As an acronym, HAVEN has been chosen as it best summarizes the History of NTI, the Access NTI provides to all NonStop users, the Value that comes with a full integrated, unified solution, the Experience that the NTI management team has accumulated and perhaps most important of all, a simple way to Navigate all interactions with NTI and its management team.

This latest article in NonStop Insider also makes it very clear that NonStop products do have a shelf life and that all NonStop users need to be aware of the choices to be made. With the clarity we bring today with HAVEN, those choices have to include NonStop users with products that might date back to decades long ago where options were few and far between. What was once a premier offering or even a market leading solution, no longer holds sway even among the most ardent supporter of NonStop. As the article noted:

This is particularly the case among NonStop users as questions about support continue to be raised over the usability of NonStop RDF long term, the ongoing viability of some former high-profile third party products even as some are perhaps less than enthusiastic over the performance and indirect support of popular competitive alternatives.

To find out more about HAVEN and how it should help you find your way to safety in a time of uncertainty over products once favored, simply click on the above hyperlink. Should you encounter any difficulties in doing so then simply cut and paste this url into your favorite browser -

Should you be undecided about the steps you would like to take to better address all your needs for data replication, where migrating to the DRNet® solution is simply about concerns over any risks that such a migration might entail, then give us a call or email us directly and we will be happy to share with you more about the DRNet® solution and the safe haven the DRNet® solution can provide all NonStop users.


Phone: +1 (614) 794-6000


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